
Even at 90 years old, Maya Angelou continued to inspire and lead us to love. Her words, her voice, her face, all connect me to Source in an instant. The forgetfulness of my soul of who I truly am, falls away and I remember. I remember I am light and I am endless possibility. I remember I have the choice in every moment of how I will shine, or not, in this universe. I remember, that as much as I love this beautiful earth, it is not my only home. I/we are much greater than this place.

Maya Angelou – “Be A Rainbow In Somebody Else’s Cloud”

I remember to learn from each experience rather than judge it. I remember to be gentle with my heart so it expands. I remember the only way to illuminate darkness is to shine my unique brilliance. I remember I possess all the beauty of a rainbow.

Butterfly Goo

Ever wonder what goes on inside that cocoon? How does an ungainly caterpillar transform into one of God’s most graceful beings? What on earth is happening in there?

What if I told you it’s butterfly goo? What if I said, to transform, you’ll need to completely dissolve, decompose the self you know as you? Could you trust? Could you be that vulnerable? Could you let go so completely the choice of wings?




“Most of us can’t tickle ourselves, it’s true, but in a world of garden fairies and water sprites our senses can be humored if you only pay attention”



In the garden, time changes if you let it. Take a breath in and become small.

Lean in and you may feel the buzz, the scurry, the weaving of wonders.

Lean in and you may see the glisten of dew on the web, the flutter of wings, the tender shoots reaching for sunlight.

Lean in and you may smell the heavy oils of rosemary and white sage, the soft essence of blossoms opening, the earthy smell of decomposing biome.

Lean in and you may hear the work of bees gathering nectar, the quick hard chirps of a hummingbird finding it’s mate or the dunk and flutter of little brown birds bathing in the bath.

Lean in and you may taste the young herbs, the cool mint and gentle thyme.

Lean in and you may feel the warmth of a stone, the contrast of the shade tree, the edge of a path.

Lean in and you may know the exhilaration of work getting done, the vibration of chaos becoming order. 

Lean in and you, too, may feel the tickle of a fairy saying hello.